Cocts is an acronym that was coined from “COmplex that Contributes To Someone/the Society ”.
The word “Co- ” also means “together” and includes the meaning of human exchange and creation as a sub-concept.
Cocts is an acronym that was coined from “COmplex that Contributes To Someone/the Society ”.
The word “Co- ” also means “together” and includes the meaning of human exchange and creation as a sub-concept.
In collaboration with “Monogatari Coffee”,
a new type of coffee subscription service that delivers novels and coffee every month,
we asked them to write an essay about their experience of staying at Cocts Akihabara.
We are participating in “STAY FOR TWO”, a support program where “staying overnight” can benefit someone else, where 10 yen per reservation is donated to support various social contribution organizations on an ongoing basis.
We have designated the Refugee Assistance Society of Japan (NPO) as our first recipient, and donations will be used to help refugees with their accommodation and living expenses.
All reservations of rooms at Cocts Akihabara are eligible for this donation.
In the domestic market alone, more than one million tons of cloth and clothes are discarded annually.One of the biggest problems is the scraps and leftover cloths that are generated during the production process of clothes.
While used clothes can be recycled or donated, leftover clothes are disposed of because they are not large enough and their usage is limited.
When we thought of making store cards, we decided to use leftover clothes because we wanted to utilize what we already had in the world and what we had left over.
“Nanadecor”, a brand of bedding and nightwear, agreed to donate their leftover clothes to us on a regular basis.
If you know someone or want to tell your friends about Cocts Akihabara, please take some home with you.
In order to reduce the amount of single-use plastics, toothbrushes are not provided in all rooms. We recommend that you bring your own.
For those who find it difficult to bring their own toothbrushes or have forgotten theirs, bamboo toothbrushes are available at the front desk for 200 yen.
The bamboo toothbrushes that we sell do not come with toothpaste, so we will provide you with Soorb’s toothpaste tablets.
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